Ich muß die vorhergehende Post Wie wurden die Eltern Fogel ermordet, mit Messern oder Schusswaffen? Claudio Casula, Herbert Eiteneier, was stimmt denn nun? nochmals aufnehmen und fortsetzen. Ich habe dort einige Fragen und Zweifel aufgeworfen, realisiere jetzt, dass ich dies nicht optimal aufbereitet und dargestellt habe. Im folgenden finden Sie eine Chronologie der Berichterstattung. Sie können die Berichte auf Unterschiede und Übereinstimmungen überprüfen. Dabei muss natürlich berücksichtigt werden, dass die "Presse" zuerst auf Gerüchte und andere Mutmaßungen angewiesen ist; immer noch nicht erschließen will sich mir jedoch, wie ein erfahrener "Medienbackspinner" wie der hammerharte Herbert Eiteneier (nom de guerre: der Plattmacher), also einer, der den Medien wegen Ungereimtheiten auf den Zahn und den Bias fühlt und Falsches zu Nahost richtig stellt, darauf kommt, zu fabulieren, dass die heimkehrende Tochter ihre beiden Brüder "rettete".
Der Mordfall Fogel scheint nun aufgeklärt. Zwei verdächtige Subjekte sind verhaftet. Es scheint auch geklärt, dass zumindest Ruth Fogel nicht erstochen, sondern erschossen wurde. Es mag sich so abgespielt haben wie in der Berichterstattung der Presse (einen Polizeibericht habe ich nicht gefunden) , dass die Mörder sehr professionell, schnell und präzise zu Werk gingen, wie ein Nachbar der Fogels aussagte, dass der Kampf der Fogels gegen ihre Mörder und die mehreren abgegebenen Schüsse aus einem M6-Gewehr, das, sofern kein Schalldämpfer aufgesetzt ist, ca. 170 dB laut ist, von den überlebenden Kindern in einem Nebenraum nicht gehört wurde, "wegen der Wetterlage" auch nicht von den Nachbarn oder der Besatzung eines nahen Streifenwagens. Was mich irritiert ist, dass bis zur Beerdigung übereinstimmend berichtet wurde, dass die Familie Fogel "niedergestochen" wurde, von Schußverletzungen nicht die Rede war. Sollten sowohl der Magen David Adom als auch die Ermittler des Shin Bet, der IDF, der Polizei, nicht in der Lage sein, Wunden, die aus Messerstichen resultieren, von Wunden, die aus Schußwaffen kommen, zu unterscheiden? Hierzulande kann das jeder Tatort-Spezialist. Ich bitte Claudio Casula und Herbert Eiteneier oder andere Leser dieser Post um Aufklärung. Vielleicht habe ich einen Bias oder einen blinden Fleck. Hier gehts zur Presseschau
HaAretz, 12.03.11, 2:12
"According to police, the suspect broke into the house armed with a knife and stabbed the mother, father and three children, aged 11, three and an approximately one-month-old baby. Magen David Adom rescue services arrived at the scene and found them all dead. It is believed that there were two other children in the house at the time of the attack, aged 4 and 2, who were not injured in the attack.... The family's 12-year-old daughter, who was at a youth group activity, returned to her home at approximately midnight and her calls for the door to be opened for her went unanswered. With the help of a neighbor, they managed to open the door and came upon the horrible murder scene."
Jerusalem Post, 12.03.11, 02:51
"Five family members were found murdered in their residence in the West Bank Itamar settlement Friday overnight, after a suspected terrorist broke and entered the house and stabbed the five to death. Two children managed to escape and survived the attack, Army Radio reported.
A Magen David Adom team that arrived at the scene at 1:00 a.m. announced a couple, their 11-year old child, 3-year-old toddler, and a one-month baby girl dead from stabbing wounds."
Herbert Eiteneier a.k.a. heplev, 12.03.11, 13:30
"In der Nacht drang einer oder mehrere Araber in die bei Nablus gelegene israelische Siedlung Itamar ein, töteten fünf Mitglieder einer achtköpfigen Familie (die Eltern, zwei Kinder im Alter von 11 und 3 Jahren, sowie ein Kleinkind, das je nach Meldung einen oder drei Monate alt war. Die 12-jährige Tochter konnte zwei ihrer Brüder (6 und 2 Jahre alt) retten, weil sie mitten erst in der Nacht nach Hause kam."
Private Investigations, 12.03.11
"Rabbi Yaakov Cohen, a neighbor who discovered the bodies, said that the Fogel's 12-year-old daughter knocked on his door around 12:45 am Saturday. She said that no one opened the door at her home, and that there are muddy footprints at the entrance.
"I took my weapon and we went up to the back window of the house, where we saw one of the surviving children," Cohen said. "He was sitting in the center of the living room, where there was no sign of blood, only mud."
They then asked the boy to open the front door.
"The daughter went into one of the rooms, and saw the horror before I did," Cohen said. "I entered and saw that another boy survived, a two-year-old.
He was lying next to his bleeding parents, shaking them with his hands and trying to get them to wake them up, while crying."
Cohen, who was close to the family and worked with Udi Fogel, said that he took the boy in his arms and hugged him.
"The girl screamed and cried, and my daughter who arrived at the house tried to calm her down and hug her," he said. "We saw the bodies in the rooms. I scanned the house in order to see that there was no terrorist there, and waited for the security forces to arrive on the scene. The sight in the house was shocking. "
Ynetnews, 13. 3.11, 00:27
"Udi Fogel, 36, Ruth Fogel, 35, and their children Yoav, 11, Elad, 4, and three-month-old Hadas were stabbed to death. ...The three siblings who survived the attack are Tamar, 12, Roi, 8, and two-year-old Yishai."
Jerusalem Post, 13.03.11, 00:57
"The killings occurred shortly after 10 p.m., when one or two attackers jumped the fence that surrounds Itamar and broke into the home of Ruth and Udi Fogel, aged 35 and 36, respectively. The attackers went room to room, stabbing the parents, a three-month-old girl, Hadas, and two boys, Elad, three, and Yoav, 11. ... Two other children – aged two and eight – were in a side room but were not attacked. The family’s oldest child, 12- year-old Tamar, was out of the house at the time. ... As the attackers used knives rather than rifles or pistols, and because of other characteristics of the killings, the IDF believes it was not carried out by an organized terrorist infrastructure but more likely was the work of one or two people who could, though, be affiliated with one of the larger Palestinian terrorist groups."
Ynetnews, 13.03.11, 11:33
"At around 10 pm the eldest daughter, Tamar, left the house, thus saving herself from the attack that followed. One neighbor said that she hadn't heard any screams from the Fogel house. "It seems that the terrorists were professional, quick and precise."
Tamar's screams filled the air at around 40 minutes past midnight, when she found the bodies of her parents and siblings.
"My husband went out with his weapon cocked after we heard the screams. She ran and we were sure that a terrorist was chasing her and that she was trying to escape. She just cried and we hugged her. We brought her and her two brothers into our house and rushed to lock the door and windows. We thought the attacker was still outside."
HaAretz, 17.04.11, 12:08
"According to the investigation, it took the suspects about ten minutes to cut the fence which separates the settlement of Itamar from the Palestinian village of Awarta. They climbed the security barrier at the settlement unnoticed and walked about 400 meters into the settlement. Once inside the settlement, they broke into an empty home and stole an M-16 rifle, a weapons cartridge, a vest and a helmet before proceeding to the Fogel family's home.
Before entering the house, the suspects noticed Yoav and Elad Fogel in the home's window. Yoav and Elad were the first to be stabbed after the suspect entered the home. The suspects then entered the parents' room. Ehud and Ruth tried to fight off the attackers, but were eventually overcome and stabbed to death. Ruth was also shot, but due to the weather at the time of the murder, the gunshots were not heard. The suspects fled the home, fearing that the gunshots had been heard.
Outside of the home, the suspects realized that their gunshots had gone unnoticed and they had not yet been discovered. Amjad Awad subsequently reentered the home in order to steal an additional M-16 rifle that was there. Back inside the parents' room, Awad noticed three-month-old Hadas and stabbed her to death. While leaving the home once more, the suspect noticed that there were more children but apparently figured that he was running out of time. The lives of Roi Fogel, 8, and Yishai Fogel, 2, were spared.
The two suspects escaped the settlement at around 11 pm. An hour and a half later, twelve-year-old Tamar Fogel returned home from a youth group meeting and discovered the murder scene."
Ynetnews, 17.04.11, 12:21
"Joint investigation of Fogel family murder by Shin Bet, IDF and police culminates in the arrest of two Palestinians.
At approximately 9:00 pm the two cut the settlement fence and entered its ground, masked. At first, they entered a neighboring house, found it empty, and stole an M-16 rifle, clips and a Kevlar vest. From there they moved onto the Fogel home.
Before entering the house the murderers noticed that there were children in the home. Undeterred, they still chose to proceed, killing two of the children immediately after breaking in. Parents Ehud and Ruth were murdered next. According to the investigation's report, the two struggled with their attackers before succumbing to multiple shotgun wounds.
Before fleeing the scene, the two stole an additional gun from the Fogel home. When they had already left the house and saw a patrol car outside, they feared they would be captured. At that point, Amjad insisted on going back into the house and searching for additional weapons. Unfortunately, this was when the Fogel's baby girl started crying. Fearing it would attract attention, the two murdered her, as well.
As for the two surviving children, the murderers said they hadn't noticed them. Had they found the two, both said, they would not have hesitated to kill them, as well."
New York Times, 17.04.11
"What actually happened that night in Itamar is not in dispute. Officials said that the two suspects walked the mile or so from Awarta to the perimeter fence that surrounds Itamar armed with knives, a wire cutter and some kind of hoods or ski masks.
After crossing the fence, they entered the house next door to the Fogels. It belonged to the Hai family and was empty. There they stole an M-16 assault rifle, clips and a protective vest, officials said.
They proceeded to the Fogel house, where they immediately killed the two young boys, according to the Shin Bet, before entering the parents’ bedroom. The parents struggled with the intruders and were killed, shot with the weapon stolen from their neighbors’ house and stabbed with knives.
The killers left the house but returned again for another gun, which they stole. At that point, according to both the Shin Bet and the military, the baby girl woke up and cried, so they stabbed her to death as well."
Israelnetz, 17.04.11
"Am 11. März durchschnitten sie gegen 21 Uhr den Schutzzaun und drangen maskiert in die Siedlung ein. Zunächst brachen sie in ein Wohnhaus ein, das aber leer war. Dort stahlen sie ein M-16-Gewehr, Handschellen und eine kugelsichere Weste, bevor sie ins benachbarte Haus der Familie Vogel eindrangen. Durch die Kinder hätten sie sich nicht von ihrer geplanten Tat abschrecken lassen, sagten die Verdächtigen im Verhör.
Den vierjährigen Elad und den elfjährigen Joav ermordeten die beiden Palästinenser direkt nach dem Einbruch. Die nächsten Opfer waren die Eltern Ruth und Udi. Diese kämpften mit ihren Mördern und erlagen schließlich ihren zahlreichen Schussverletzungen. Anschließend entwendeten die Attentäter ein weiteres Gewehr.
Baby getötet, weil es schrie
Als sie das Haus verlassen wollten, sahen die Attentäter draußen einen Streifenwagen und fürchteten ihre Entdeckung. Das drei Monate alte Baby Hadas fing im selben Augenblick an zu weinen. Nach eigenen Angaben töteten sie die Kleine, damit diese nicht die Aufmerksamkeit der Polizisten auf sie ziehen konnte. Doch wenn sie die beiden anderen Kinder bemerkt hätten, hätten sie nach eigener Aussage nicht gezögert, auch diese umzubringen."
Jerusalem Post, 20.04.11, 18:17
"After walking one kilometer, they reached the fence surrounding Itamar. After seeing that the fence was electric, the suspects decided not to use their wire cutters and instead climbed over it. They then climbed through a forest and over a hilltop before reaching a row of homes.
The suspects at first entered a home adjacent to the Fogel residence, but found that nobody was home. They stole an M-16 rifle from the home, ammunition and body armor, before walking on.
"They saw children sleeping in the home, and entered the Fogel family residence," the IDF said.
Immediately after entering the home, the youths set their knives on two young brothers sleeping in their beds, 4-year-old Elad and 11-year-old Yoav.
They then entered the parents' bedroom, where they launched a knife attack on Ehud and Ruth Fogel. The parents fought back, attempting to fend off the attackers. At that point, one of the suspects shot Ruth with a stolen M-16, at which point the two died of their wounds.
The two then left the house. One of the suspects, however, returned and stabbed to death three-month-old baby Hadas after she began crying in her crib.
According to Israel Radio, Amjad said that he was unaware that there were two other children in the house, and that if he had known, he would have stabbed them as well. "
Zusammenfassung auf Wikipedia
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